
Every process on your OS is executed from an application code and each process can interfere in other process’s resources. The OS or the VM (if there is any) can provide some security and isolation mechanisms, however it can be different for each OS type and impose difficult configuration.

Docker provides a layered architecture for contents of the application(s), called an Image, and a virtual environment, called a Container, for running process(s) of the application(s). This virtual environment is isolated by

  • memory
  • storage (similar to a hypervisor)
  • network (similar to a hypervisor)

The image has a layered architecture, each layer contains the differences between the preceding layer and the current layer, and on top of the layers, there is a writable layer (the current one) which is called the container layer1.

As mentioned above, there are some similarities between Docker and a hypervisor in providing isolated resources. The most important difference is their focus and application. If you want a full-fledged OS, the hypervisor is the solution, and if you want a light-weight isolated virtual environment for your process(s), Docker is the answer. For example, if you want to run a MySQL server, Docker is the best choice, and if you want to execute a simulation app with GUI, virtualization is the only choice.

The following class diagram illustrates the overall parts involved in Docker installed on your box. The associations show the relations between these parts and multiplicity of each association end highlights the detail of that end in the relation.


In a simple story, a container is started by the docker daemon, initiated by the docker client (command):

  • At first, the image is downloaded from the registry if not already downloaded
  • Docker can create one or another independent container from one image
  • During container startup, Docker executes the command(s) provided in the image or passed as input parameters
  • Docker initializes the container’s network interface and attaches it to one of its virtual networks due to startup parameters (example), and even open a port on the host binding it to one of container’s internal process
  • Docker may mount a file/directory to its internal file/directory due to startup parameters

Container(s) can be created and started via one of following ways

App Host/Node Container
docker single various unrelated containers
docker-compose single using single config file for multiple related containers or same-image containers for load balancing
Docker Swarm or Kubernetes multiple large deployment and centralized management for lots of containers

This post only uses docker.


Docker is presented in two editions: CE (community edition) and EE (enterprise edition). Most of the time, people use its CE and also in the case of this tutorial.

The installation is different due to your OS. So the best reference is the Docker site.

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • Windows
  • Note: There is a general installation script for Linux distributions - sudo curl -sSL | sh

After installation

  • In Linux, by default only root user can execute docker command. Adding group docker to a user’s groups, the user has access to Docker. So execute usermod -a -G docker USER.
  • Executing ifconfig in your Linux box, docker0 must be in the list of network interfaces. DockerIfconfig

Docker CLI

After installing Docker, the docker command must be in your path and can be executed from your OS CLI app.

Following table shows some common usages of docker command.

Command Description
docker version Show version information of installed Docker client and server
docker image ls List of image(s) on your host
docker image inspect IMAGE Display detailed information on the image
docker image pull IMAGE Download the image from a registry
docker image rm IMAGE Remove the image from local
docker image save IMAGE -o FILE Save one or more images to a tar archive
docker image load -i FILE Load an image from a tar archive
docker container ls List running containers
docker container ls -a List all containers
docker container stats Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
docker container run IMAGE Download the image, if not already downloaded, and start a container from it
docker container top CONTAINER Display the running processes of a container
docker container inspect CONTAINER Display detailed information for a container
docker container exec CONTAINER Execute a command inside the container
docker container logs CONTAINER Display logs of the container
  • IMAGE - each image has a specific name to be addressed on a registry. On Docker Hub, the simple form of IMAGE is:


    TAG is optional and its default value is latest. However, defining a specific tag is highly recommended to assure you about the version of the used image. Some examples are mysql:5.7, openjdk:8u191-alpine, redis:5.0.4-stretch, and etc.

    The general form of IMAGE on a registry server is2:


  • CONTAINER refers to the name or id of a container

Note: as stated in the previous table, the following command shows three popular information of an IMAGE. In MySQL section, details of the following command is described as an example.

docker image inspect -f '{{println "VOL =" .Config.Volumes}}{{println "ENV =" .Config.Env}}{{println "PORTS =" .ContainerConfig.ExposedPorts}}' IMAGE


You can config docker daemon via /etc/docker/daemon.json. A common snippet is as follows:

    "insecure-registries" : ["REG1[:PORT]", "REG2[:PORT]"],
    "log-driver": "json-file",
    "log-opts": {
        "max-size": "100m",
        "max-file": "3" 

Real Examples

Lets start real and practical examples.


  • Reference Docker Hub
  • Image Information

    docker image inspect -f '{{println "VOL =" .Config.Volumes}}{{println "ENV =" .Config.Env}}{{println "PORTS =" .ContainerConfig.ExposedPorts}}' mysql:5.7

    VOL = map[/var/lib/mysql:{}] it has a volume entry on /var/lib/mysql inside the container
    ENV = [...] list of defined environment variables
    PORTS = map[3306/tcp:{} 33060/tcp:{}] exposed ports to be bound on the host
  • Starting container

    docker container run -d -v /opt/docker/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root --restart=always --name MySQL mysql:5.7

    -d the container is detached and executed in background
    -v /opt/docker/mysql:/var/lib/mysql HOST:CONTAINER for mapping volume, so /var/lib/mysql directory of container is mapped on /opt/docker/mysql directory of host
    -p 3306:3306 HOST:CONTAINER for binding ports
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root assign value root to environment variable MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, so the password of root user in mysql is set to root
    --restart=always on next host reboot or power-on, the container starts automatically (like services in Windows)
    --name MySQL MySQL is assigned as the name to this container to be addressed easily (CONTAINER in above table, is this name).
    note: this name also used as network name for the container
    mysql:5.7 the IMAGE reference
  • Calling mysql client CLI

    docker container exec -it MySQL mysql -uroot -proot

    -it (i.e. -i -t) -i: Keep STDIN open even if not attached -t: Allocate a pseudo-TTY
    mysql -uroot -proot the command and its arguments executed inside the container
  • Watching logs of mysql server

    docker container logs -f MySQL

    -f it works like tail -f in Linux


  • Reference Docker Hub
  • Starting container

    docker container run -d -v /opt/docker/redis:/data -p 6379:6379 --restart=always --name Redis redis:5.0.4 redis-server --requirepass PASSWORD

    redis-server --requirepass PASSWORD passing custom command to be executed on container startup instead of its default one
  • Calling redis-cli client

    docker container exec -it Redis redis-cli -a PASSWORD

Oracle Database

  • Reference Docker Hub (note: click on “Proceed to Checkout”)
  • Some official images, like Oracle DB, is available through Docker Store, and they need an account on Docker Hub
  • Starting container

    docker container run -d -it -p 1521:1521 -v /opt/docker/oradb:/ORCL --restart=always --name OracleDB store/oracle/database-enterprise:

    • you need to login to pull this image, so execute docker login before pulling
    • the container for Oracle DB needs the -it switches, even if it is detached (-d)
  • Calling sqlplus client
    • sys@CDB

      docker container exec -it OracleDB /bin/bash -c "source /home/oracle/.bashrc; sqlplus '/ as sysdba'"

    • sys@PDB

      docker container exec -it OracleDB /bin/bash -c "source /home/oracle/.bashrc; sqlplus sys/Oradoc_db1@ORCLPDB1 as sysdba"

    • Oracle 12c introduces a new architecture called multitenant. In this new architecture, a database instance consists of two main sections
      • A container, called CDB, which is the basis environment of the instance
      • One or more pluggable DBs, called PDB, which is an end-user database for applications (this image has only one PDB)
    • The PDB information of this image
      • Name is ORCLPDB1 and its sys password is Oradoc_db1
      • JDBC URL - jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/orclpdb1.localdomain

Sonatype Nexus

  • Reference Docker Hub
  • Starting container

    mkdir -p /opt/docker/nexus/data
    chown -R 200:200 /opt/docker/nexus
    docker container run -d -v /opt/docker/nexus/data:/nexus-data -p 8081:8081 -e NEXUS_CONTEXT=nexus --restart=always --name Nexus sonatype/nexus3:3.15.2

    -e NEXUS_CONTEXT=nexus Start the server with /nexus context path (useful for Nginx forwarding)
    • Test the server - curl -u admin:admin123 http://localhost:8081/nexus/service/metrics/ping
    • Visit localhost:8081/nexus, and login with default username admin and password admin123

Jenkins Blue Ocean

  • Reference Docker Hub
  • Starting container

    docker container run -d -u root -v /opt/docker/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 8080:8080 -e JENKINS_OPTS="--prefix=/jenkins" --restart=always --name Jenkins jenkinsci/blueocean:1.14.0

    -u root Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>]), so user root is set as the owner of the process
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock Allow jenkins to create a container by calling Docker on your host (Docker-in-Docker)
    -e JENKINS_OPTS="--prefix=/jenkins" Start the server with /jenkins context path (useful for Nginx forwarding)

Nginx + Jenkins + Nexus

Lets mix up things and create a little bit advanced example to highlight Docker networking. This practical example can be used as a basis for a CI (continuous integration) environment. Following picture shows the final result of the example (note: the IPs can be different when you execute the example).


The next script implements above picture:

docker network create DokNet1

mkdir -p /opt/docker/nexus/data
chown -R 200:200 /opt/docker/nexus
docker container run -d \
 -v /opt/docker/nexus/data:/nexus-data \
 --network DokNet1 -e NEXUS_CONTEXT=nexus \
 --restart=always --name Nexus sonatype/nexus3:3.15.2

docker container run -d -u root \
 -v /opt/docker/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home \
 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
 --network DokNet1 -e JENKINS_OPTS="--prefix=/jenkins" \
 --restart=always --name Jenkins jenkinsci/blueocean:1.14.0

mkdir -p /opt/docker/nginx
cat > /opt/docker/nginx/nginx.conf << "EOF"
server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;

server {
  listen 80;
  server_name localhost;
  client_max_body_size 80M;
  proxy_http_version 1.1;

  location /nexus/ {
    proxy_pass http://Nexus:8081/nexus/;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

  location /jenkins/ {
    proxy_pass http://Jenkins:8080/jenkins/;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

docker container run -d \
 -v /opt/docker/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf \
 --network DokNet1 -p 80:80 \
 --restart=always --name Nginx nginx:1.15.10

  • Line 1 - Docker creates a virtual network, called DokNet1.
    • Check it by executing docker network inspect DokNet1 DockerNetInspect1

    • After this command execution, a long string is printed on screen which is identifier of this network. Its first 12 characters is also unique and we call it NET_ID.

    • Executing ifconfig, it is in the list by the name of br-NET_ID DockerIfconfig2

  • Option --network DokNet1 attaches the container to DokNet1 network, so all of the above containers are in the same network (picture).
  • Lines 17-38 create a config file for Nginx
    • Line 27 - Nginx forwards request to Nexus by calling http://Nexus:8081/nexus/, which restates the fact that containers can access each other by the name in the network.
    • Line 33 - It is the same as previous line for Jenkins.
  • Only Nginx has a binding port. It is not necessary for Jenkins and Nexus to bind ports.
  • Accessing web apps
  • At the end, execute docker network inspect DokNet1 again. You can see list of containers attached to this network. DockerNetInspect2
