Evocative Development
Mehdi Bizhani
Java Interview Notes
## Java Interview Notes === ### Java Keywords ![Java Keywords](/assets/images/slides/jiq/keywords.png) --- ### Java Reserved Words - `const` - `goto` - Literals - `true` - `false` - `null` --- ### Java Restricted Identifiers - They can be used for variable and method names, but not for type declarations. - So, they are also called **reserved type** - `var` - `record` - `yield` - `sealed` - `permits` === ### Variables #### `var` - `var` is only used for local variable type inference - `var` is not a reserved word and allowed to be used as an identifier - It is a **reserved type** name which means it cannot be used to define a type, such as a `class`, `interface`, or `enum` --- #### Example 1 ```java int i1, i2 = 1; //var a=1,b=3; ERR:'var' is not allowed in compound declaration var arr = new ArrayList<>(); arr.add("A"); arr.add(1.1); var st = new HashSet
(); //st.add(1); ERR: incompatible types final var name = "John"; var num = 1/0; //var text = null; ERR: can't infer type ``` --- #### Example 2 - Following code compiles successfully! ```java package var; public class Var { public void var() { var var = "var"; } public void Var() { Var var = new Var(); } } ``` === ### Numbers #### Literals Format (1/2) - Octal - starts with `0`: `017`, `0654` - Hexadecimal - starts with `0x` or `0X`: `0xaaaaaa`, `0Xdff` - Binary - starts with `0b` or `0B`: `0b10`, `0b11` - Literals and the Underscore Character - valid: `1_000_000`, `1_______2` (12), `1__1.1__1` (11.11), `.1_1` - invalid: `_1000`, `1_`, `1_000._`, `0._1` - At beginning, at end, just before or after decimal point --- #### Literals Format (2/2) - Long - ends with `l` or `L` (default is `int`) - Float - ends with `f` or `F` (default is `double`) --- #### Numeric Promotion Rules 1. Two values have different data types => promote one of the values to the larger of the two data types. 2. One is integral and the other is floating-point => promote the integral value to the floating-point value’s data type. 3. Data types `byte`, `short`, and `char` => first promoted to `int` in **binary** arithmetic operations. 4. After all promotion, the resulting value will have the same data type as its promoted operands. --- #### Numeric Promotion Rules - Samples (1/2) ```java byte a = 2 + 100; short b = 100 * 10; byte c = 2 * 200; // COMPILE ERROR - int result byte a1 = ++a; long l = 10; a += b + l; // not binary arithmetic opr a = a + b; // COMPILE ERROR (int promotion) short s = a + b; // COMPILE ERROR (int promotion) int i = a + b; int j = a + b + 1l; // COMPILE ERROR (long promotion) float d = a + 1.0; // COMPILE ERROR (double promotion) float f = a + 1.0f; ``` --- #### Numeric Promotion Rules - Samples (2/2) ```java int big = 1234567890; float f = big; System.out.println(big - (int)f); // -46 long l = big; System.out.println(big - (int)l); // 0 double d = big; System.out.println(big - (int)d); // 0 ``` --- #### Boxing - Autoboxing can't work with numeric promotion ```java Integer a = 10; // Autoboxing long b = a; // Unboxing, then implicit casting Long d = 8; // COMPILE ERROR Long w = 10L; // Autoboxing // Both methods are valid - overloading public class Kiwi { public void fly(int numMiles) {} public void fly(Integer numMiles) {} } ``` --- #### Integer Cache ```java Integer num1 = 128, num2 = 128; System.out.println(num1 == num2); // false Integer num3 = 127, num4 = 127; System.out.println(num3 == num4); // true Integer num5 = -128, num6 = -128; System.out.println(num5 == num6); // true Integer num7 = -129, num8 = -129; System.out.println(num7 == num8); // false ``` --- #### Double ```java final Double d = 1.0 / 0.0; System.out.println("1.0/0.0 = " + d + " - " + d.isInfinite()); // 1.0/0.0 = Infinity - true System.out.println(Math.min(Double.MIN_VALUE, 0.0d)); // 0.0 System.out.println("Double.MIN_VALUE = " + Double.MIN_VALUE); // Double.MIN_VALUE = 4.9E-324 System.out.println("Integer.MIN_VALUE = " + Integer.MIN_VALUE); // Integer.MIN_VALUE = -2147483648 ``` === ### Operators #### Precedence ![OperatorPrecedence](/assets/images/slides/jiq/operators-precedence.png) --- #### Misc ```java boolean healthy = false; if(healthy = true) // ASSIGNMENT! System.out.print("Good!"); System.out.print(null == null); // true System.out.print(null instanceof null); // COMPILE ERROR int stripes = 7; System.out.print((stripes > 5) ? 21 : "Zebra"); int animal = (stripes < 9) ? 3 : "Horse"; // COMPILE ERROR int sheep = 1, zzz = 1; int s1 = zzz < 10 ? sheep++ : zzz++; // sheep=2,zzz=1 int s2 = sheep >= 10 ? sheep++ : zzz++; // sheep=2,zzz=2 ``` === ### String #### Concatenation (+) - `1 + 2 + "c"` => `3c` - `"c" + 1 + 2` => `c12` - If both operands are numeric, `+` means numeric addition. - If either operand is a `String`, `+` means concatenation. - **The expression is evaluated left to right.** - The `+` operator is evaluated at compile time. --- #### String Pool (1/2) - Using the `new` operator for `String`, ensures that it is created in the heap (not into the string pool). - Using literal `String` ensures that the string is created in the string pool. - String pool exists as part of the perm area in the heap. --- #### String Pool (2/2) ```java String s1 = "hello" + "world"; String s2 = "helloworld"; System.out.println(s1 == s2); // true String s3 = "hello" + "world"; String s4 = "hello".concat("world"); System.out.println(s3 == s4); // false String s5 = "hello" + "world"; String s6 = "hello".concat("world").intern(); System.out.println(s5 == s6); // true ``` --- #### Text Block - A line break after the opening `"""` is required - `\` at the end prevent new line (like shell script) - Imagine a vertical line on the leftmost non-whitespace character - The left is `incidental whitespace` - The right is `essential whitespace` ![text-block](/assets/images/slides/jiq/java-text-block.png) --- #### String Methods - Removing Whitespace - `strip()` - the same as `trime()` + Unicode support - `stripLeading()` & `stripTrailing()` - Indentation - `indent(+/-int)` & `stripIndent()` === ### Array - **Anonymous Array** - `int[] nums = {42, 55, 99}` - `ArrayStoreException` (runtime error) ```java Object x[] = new String[3]; x[0] = new Integer(0); ``` - ```java int[] ids, types; // both array int ids[], types; // only 'ids' is array int[] a[], b[][]; // 'a' is 2D, 'b' is 3D array ``` === ### Collections - `Collection` extends `Iterable` - `List` - `Set` - `SortedSet` - `Queue` - `Deque` (Double ended queue) - `BlockingQueue` - `Map` - `SortedMap` - `ConcurrentMap` --- ### Thread-Safe (1/2) - Followings are without **external synchronization** - `ConcurrentLinkedQueue` - lock-free algorithm, all operations are atomic - `CopyOnWriteArrayList` - updates to the list through a copy-on-write mechanism, then used for subsequent reads - `EnumSet` - a bit vector to store its elements, all operations are atomic --- ### Thread-Safe (2/2) - `EnumMap` - optimized for use with enum keys - uses an array of entries, each cell associated with a unique enum constant - `ConcurrentHashMap` - lock striping technique - the map is divided into segments, and each segment is locked independently === ### Pattern Matching #### instanceof - The `final` keyword prevents `pattern variable` reassignment! ```java Object o = "Hello "; if(o instanceof final String str && !str.isEmpty()) { System.out.printf("[%s]\n", str.trim()); } ``` - The pattern variable must be a **subtype** of the variable. ```java Integer value = 123; if(value instanceof Integer) {} if(value instanceof Integer data) {} // COMPILE ERROR ``` --- #### Flow Scoping (1/2) - The variable is only in scope when the compiler can definitively determine its type ```java Number number = 10; // COMPILE ERROR in both following lines // Can't resolve symbol `data` if (number instanceof Integer data || data.compareTo(5) > 0) System.out.println(data); ``` --- #### Flow Scoping (2/2) - It is determined by the compiler based on the branching and flow of the program - It is not strictly hierarchical like instance, class, or local scoping ```java void printIntegerTwice(Number number) { if (number instanceof Integer data) System.out.print(data.intValue()); System.out.println(data.intValue()); // COMPILE ERROR } // However, following is OK!!! void printOnlyIntegers(Number number) { if (!(number instanceof Integer data)) return; System.out.println(data.intValue()); } ``` --- #### switch statement - In `switch` statement, the `break` statements are optional, but without them the code will execute every branch following a matching `case` statement, including any `default` statements it finds. ```java // cases without 'break'! switch(a) { // Since Java 14, case values can be combined. case 1, 2: System.out.println("Lion"); // if a=1,2 case 3: System.out.println("Tiger"); // if a=1,2,3 case null: System.out.println("ERR"); // if a=1,2,3,null default: System.out.println("N/A"); // always printed! } ``` --- #### switch expression (1/2) - If the switch expression returns a value: - All branches without throwing an exception must return a consistent data type. - Block branches must `yield` a value. - `default` branch is required unless all cases are covered (e.g. `enum`). - Define `default` branch in every switch expression, even those that involve `enum` values. --- #### switch expression (2/2) ```java // Using pattern matching no need for 'break' var result = switch(a) { case 1, 2 -> "Lion"; // if a=1,2 case 3 -> "Tiger"; // if a=3 case null -> { // if a=null System.err.println("NULL"); yield "ERR"; } default -> "N/A"; // if a not above }; System.out.println("result = " + result); ``` === ### Date & Time - `java.time.*`
--- #### Methods ![date.time.methods](/assets/images/slides/jiq/date.time.methods.png) --- #### Duration vs Period - `Duration` units: [_nanos_, ..., _days_] - suitable for _time_ - `Period` units: [_days_, ..., _years_] - suitable for _date_ ![duration.vs.period](/assets/images/slides/jiq/duration.vs.period.png) === ### Class #### Order of Initialization - Fields and instance initializer blocks are run in the order in which they appear in the file. - The constructor runs after all fields and instance initializer blocks have run. --- ##### Example 1 ```java public class Test { private String f1 = "a"; private String f2; private String f3; public Test() { f3 = "c"; System.out.printf("C: f1=%s, f2=%s, f3=%s\n", f1, f2, f3); } { // `Instance Initializer` Block f2 = "b"; System.out.printf("I: f1=%s, f2=%s, f3=%s\n", f1, f2, f3); } public static void main(String[] args) { Test t = new Test(); // OUTPUT // I: f1=a, f2=b, f3=null // C: f1=a, f2=b, f3=c } } ``` --- ##### Example 2 ```java public class Test { private final String f1 = "a"; private final String f2; private final String f3; public Test() { f3 = "c"; System.out.printf("C: f1=%s, f2=%s, f3=%s\n", f1, f2, f3); } { f2 = "b"; System.out.printf("I: f1=%s, f2=%s\n", f1, f2); // System.out.printf("I: f1=%s, f2=%s, f3=%s\n", f1, f2, f3); // COMPILE ERROR for f3: not initialized } public static void main(String[] args) { Test t = new Test(); // OUTPUT // I: f1=a, f2=b // C: f1=a, f2=b, f3=c } } ``` --- #### Access Modifiers (1/2) - `private` - can be accessed only from within the same class - Package Access (no keyword) - can be accessed only from a class in the same package - `protected` - can be accessed only from - **a class in the same package** - **a subclass** - `public` - can be accessed from anywhere --- #### Access Modifiers (2/2) A method in ______ can access a ______ member. ![Access Modifiers](/assets/images/slides/jiq/access-modifiers.png) --- #### Methods - While _access modifiers_ and _optional specifiers_ can appear **in any order**, they must all appear **before the return type**. - Method Signature = `method name` + `parameter list` - `parameter list` - types of parameters and their order - uniquely determines a method in a class --- #### Specifier - `static` - You can access a `static` member via a reference variable, even a `null` one. ```java public class C1 { public static int STA = 1; } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { C1 c1 = null; System.out.println(c1.STA); } } ``` === ### Package - If you explicitly import a class name, it takes precedence over any wildcards present ```java import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; Date dt = ...; // COMPILE ERROR - `java.util.Date` or `java.sql.Date` ``` ```java import java.util.*; import java.sql.Date; Date dt = ...; // It is `java.sql.Date` java.util.Date dt2 = ...; // explicit fqdn for defining `java.util.Date` ``` === ### Singleton DP - Lazy Init Singleton ```java public final class ThreadSafeSingleton { private static volatile ThreadSafeSingleton INSTANCE = null; public static ThreadSafeSingleton getInstance() { if (INSTANCE == null) { synchronized (ThreadSafeSingleton.class) { if (INSTANCE == null) { INSTANCE = new ThreadSafeSingleton(); } } } return instance; } // private constructor & other methods ... } ``` --- #### Initialization on Demand (*) ```java public class LazyInitSingleton { private static class InstanceHolder { private static final LazyInitSingleton INSTANCE = new LazyInitSingleton(); } public static LazyInitSingleton getInstance() { return InstanceHolder.INSTANCE; } // private constructor & other methods ... } ``` --- #### Enum Singleton ```java public enum EnumSingleton { INSTANCE; // other methods... } ``` --- #### Early Initialization ```java public class EarlyInitSingleton { private static final EarlyInitSingleton INSTANCE = new EarlyInitSingleton(); public static EarlyInitSingleton getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } // private constructor & other methods ... } ``` === ### References - Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide Exam 1Z0-829, Scott Selikoff, Jeanne Boyarsky - [Java Interview Questions for 5 years Experience](https://www.interviewbit.com/java-interview-questions-for-5-years-experience/) - [Double-Checked Locking with Singleton](https://www.baeldung.com/java-singleton-double-checked-locking) </textarea> </section>